hydrotherapy2Why choose hydrotherapy for your dog?

  • Medication and surgical procedures only form part of the overall healing process.
  • Could you imagine you or a family member having knee surgery and not being given some form of post-op rehab program?
  • Animal rehabilitation plays an integral part of the recovery process in:
    • a recovery of an acute injury (eg. muscle sprain)
    • managing a long term condition (eg. arthritis)
    • post operative care rehabilitation (eg. cruciate repair)

Our Approach

  • Animal Ark adopts a holistic approach to treatment and rehabilitation.
  • The focus of the care is to address the underlying cause as opposed to treating symptoms in isolation.

How Hydrotherapy helps

  • Reduces your dog’s body weight thereby reducing stress on joints, tendons and ligaments; this permits your dog to increase their range of movement and build muscles.
  • hydrotherapy1

    Provides more resistance than air, which assists in building muscle mass.
  • Warmed water increases the temperature of muscles, thereby reducing swelling and soreness.
  • Provides a support for unstable or healing structures, allowing your dog to exercise in a controlled environment that reduces the likelihood of injuries.

Hydrotherapy and the water treadmill

  • Typically involves a series of sessions using our water treadmill.
  • With walk on/off facility, the treadmill provides a  more natural and controlled environment than a pool requiring hoists and flotation devices.
  • You are able to easily encourage and coach your pet.
  • Water level is easily adjustable enabling focus on different muscle groups.
  • Variable speeds can be increased to the point of agility training.

Call us on 020 8599 8544 to get in touch about hydrotherapy treatment for your dog.