Name: Victoria Sidaway

Title: Registered Veterinary Nurse

How long have you been a veterinary nurse?

I have been a veterinary nurse since 2018.

What is the most rewarding thing about this career choice? 

The most rewarding aspect is seeing animals making progress in their recovery.

What’s the best thing about working at Animal Ark Vets?

The best thing is the variety of cases at the practice. 

What does an average day involve for a veterinary nurse at Animal Ark? What type of treatments and care does it include?

The average day depends on what shift you are on. A surgery nurse prepares for surgery and gets patients ready for surgery. A wards nurse takes care of inpatients. We also have nurse clinics where they do flea and worming consults and hydrotherapy. 

How has your role progressed with the practice?

I have recently been promoted to Senior Nurse.

How has your role changed during the pandemic?

I now have more responsibilities since I have been made a Senior Nurse.

What single most important thing has helped you through these challenging times?

Talking with friends and family through Skype.