It is difficult to add new descriptions and commentary to the vast amount that has already been written about 2020.
However, we wanted to take this opportunity to say a big “Thank You”.
Thank you for continuing to place your trust in us to look after your pets.
Thank you for being understanding as we have worked together to create a Covid safe environment for you, your pets and our team.
Thank you to our team who have made amazing sacrifices as they have continued their passion in taking care of you and your pets.
Unfortunately, due to COVID-19, we were unable to host Animal Ark’s famous Santa’s Grotto & Christmas Party this year. We very much hope that Santa will be allowed to return in person next year for Animal Ark’s 20th Christmas Party
In times like these, we are prompted to hold the things that matter to our hearts even closer. We wish everyone in the Animal Ark community a Merry Christmas. Keep Safe.
Lyndon & Nikki
(on behalf of the Animal Ark Vets crew)
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